Border, Lake Malawi, Malawi/Mozambique
Border, Lake Malawi, Malawi/Mozambique
Aulonocara saulosi 'Border'
Aulonocara stuartgranti 'Border'
Aulonocara hansbaenschi 'Border'
Copadichromis atripinnis 'Border'
Copadichromis geertsi 'Border'
Copadichromis verduyni 'Border'
Cynotilapia afra 'Border'
Cynotilapia sp. 'lion ntekete' Border
Dimidiochromis kiwinge 'Border'
Labeotropheus fuelleborni 'Border'
Labeotropheus trewavasae 'Border'
Lethrinops microstoma 'Border'
Maylandia chrysomallos 'Border'
Metriaclima chrysomallos 'Border'
Maylandia estherae 'Border'
Metriaclima estherae 'Border'
Maylandia zebra 'Border'
Metriaclima zebra 'Border'
Melanochromis baliodigma 'Border'
Melanochromis dialeptos 'Border'
Nimbochromis livingstoni 'Border'
Petrotilapia sp. 'yellow chin' Border
Placidochromis electra 'Border'
Placidochromis sp. 'phenochilus gissel' Border
Protomelas fenestratus 'Border'
Protomelas sp. 'steveni imperial' Border
Pseudotropheus johannii 'Border'
Taeniolethrinops furcicauda 'Border'
Tropheops kamtambo 'Border'
Tropheops sp. 'gome yellow' Border
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